Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cuban Missile Crisis - Research Paper Example The Soviet Union plus the United States entered into an agreement through back channels of communication to withdraw the missiles. The United States withdrew it missiles from Turkey while the Soviet Union withdrew its missiles from Cuba (Chayes, 1974). After the communication between the two states, Cuba was not happy about it and considered it a betrayal by the soviet government. The relationship between Cuba and the Soviet Union deteriorated. This meant that mass destruction by nuclear weapons became abolished entirely (Cuban missile crisis, 2011). It ensured that there was diplomacy and bargaining power between the two super powers. The communication between the two made it clear that they could come to a compromise without necessarily going to war. They found a way of peaceful coexistence. The relationship between America and the Soviet Union did not remain cordial for a long time (Cuban missile crisis, 2011). The use of spy cameras and airplanes became predominant since the United States was following up the missiles on the bases of Cuba via satellite. The first telephone â€Å"hotline† became installed in order to offer direct communication between the two presidents. The negotiations were underway, and a compromise reached at (Chayes, 1974). Because of the great relationship, Kennedy got the public confidence after coming to an agreement with the Soviet Union since he became seen as a weak’ leader (Cuban missile crisis, 2011). After Kennedy, Reagan came to power and was able to overwhelm the USSR which brought about the downfall of this Soviet Bloc and also an end to the cold war (Cuban missile crisis, 2011). ... The experts informed Kennedy that he has only 10 days before the missiles are operational (Allison, 1969). Kennedy sets up a committee of National Security Council members to give him advice. The President soon announces that he was putting up a number of naval blockades on Cuba (Chayes, 1974). A number of B52 nuclear bombs became deployed, ensuring an eighth of all of them was airborne every time. On the same night, a Western spy working in Russia got arrested. His last message was that the Soviet attack was imminent (Allison, 1969) On the 23rd of October, Khrushchev provided an explanation that these missile sites were purposefully meant for defending Cuba against external attack (Chayes, 1974). 20 Russian ships became spotted heading to Cuba (Pfiffner, n.d). He accused the United States of piracy, and warned that Russia was preparing a fitting reply to the oncoming aggressor. The first Russian ship docked on the naval blockade on the 25th of October 1962 (Allison, 1969). This was an oil ship, and it was allowed to pass. The other Russian ships carrying dangerous missiles turned back. The US government had secretly offered to remove its missiles located in Turkey. They were to exchange them for the ones in Cuba (Chayes, 1974). On 26th October Russia was still going ahead with building the missile bases (Chayes, 1974). Kennedy began planning a military strike on Cuba. Khrushev sent Kennedy a telegram offering to destroy all the nuclear sites if he would lift the blockade he had placed and to agree not to invade Cuba (Clearly, 2009). The Kennedys’ met with the Russian ambassador and mentioned removing all the missiles located in Turkey (Pfiffner, n.d). Before Kennedy could reply to his letter,

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